
Mouse only - click to do everything in the game.

Description/How to Play

Slime Keeper is a Tactical Roguelike!

Go into the Slime Caves, kill slimes, go back to the keeper,

sell slimes, buy weapons, rinse and repeat.

WARNING: You cannot go back to the slime keeper until your floor is clear!

If you die it's game over.

HP: Health Points - if 0 you're dead.

AP: Action Points are accumulated at the start of your turn.

FP: Fatigue Points are removed at the start of your turn.

Attacking requires a weapon's listed AP + your hero's current FP to attack.

After attacking a weapon's listed FP is added to your hero's FP.

Movement cost is 1 + your hero's FP per space.


About This Project

This was made for 7drl2025 in a custom engine from scratch in HTML5.

I made the scene management part of the engine before the jam, and made everything else during the 7 day period.

I streamed the whole thing here:

And posted about it here:

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